How To Take Care Of Your Mango Tree

How To Take Care Of Your Mango Tree

Indigenous to southern Asia, the evergreen Mango is ideal for its tropical look and its colour-changing foliage. The lush, leathery-looking, downward-pointing foliage creates a really tropical look and even more so when the new foliage appears, contrasting from bright pink to red and then green. The Green Grower regularly has Mango trees available for purchase.

They can be kept indoors in a warm, humid environment over the cooler months, then moved outside to a sheltered spot to gain that valuable natural sunlight in late Spring and Summer. If planted outside in the warmer areas of New Zealand, ensure a frost and wind-free situation, allowing plenty of room for growth.

With proper plant care, they will fruit for you, providing that delicious addition to salads, smoothies or desserts!

How much light does your Mango need?

This tropical fruit tree loves a warm, sunny situation, so preferably choose a north-facing position in your home. Outdoors, they ideally need 8 hours of sunlight to produce flowers and fruit.

What type of soil does your Mango need?

A good draining, organic mix is best. Outside, a deep, well-draining composted mix is preferred, bearing in mind that the main root can grow up to 6 metres.


What temperature is best for your Mango?

Warm, well-lit and humid is ideal, with a range of 10-30C. If you move your potted Mango outdoors in the warmer months, ensure a sunny situation, sheltered from any wind.

How much water does your Mango need?

Mangoes enjoy a drink, but like any houseplant, will not tolerate wet or soggy conditions, so check the top inch or so of the soil and only water if it is dry to the touch. Leaves can be misted and a short time in a humid bathroom situation wouldn’t go astray. Once they are established, they do not necessarily need a lot of watering as they are deep-rooted.

What is the best fertiliser for your Mango?

A good liquid feed in the growing months (early Spring through Summer) and an occasional light addition of magnesium or nitrogen will be beneficial.

General Care Tips for Your Mango.

Prune to keep the shape in late Summer. Sometimes subject to fungal issues, remove any fallen or affected leaves immediately and ensure your mango has good air circulation.

If transplanting your hardier, established Mango outside, be careful not to damage the central tap root. Compost it well, add a controlled release fertiliser and water, mulch and stake it sufficiently in a sheltered spot. To encourage it to flower and fruit, prune lightly between Autumn and early Spring.

The Green Grower’s Rating of Mango.

An interesting variation with its leaf shape and changing colours in any indoor plant collection. Treated the right way in terms of light, temperature and occasional feeding, it will really impress you and your visitors in terms of its growth and tropical look.

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