How To Take Care Of Your Monstera

How To Take Care Of Your Monstera

Native to the rain forests of Central America, there are approximately 50 species in the Monstera genus, with several cultivars and variegated varieties being offered. 

Generally typified by big, glossy fenestrated leaves (holes and splits) other species have little fenestrations until they reach maturity. They are ideal for your home or workplace, providing that special ‘wow’ factor.

They can be grown outdoors in warmer parts of New Zealand  and thrive best in sheltered, semi-shaded wind-free spots. Relatively easy to grow and fast-growing under the right conditions they are an ideal climbing evergreen.

monstera care guide

How much light does your Monstera need?

Like any tropical plant, direct sunlight will burn the leaves, so dappled, bright, but indirect or partial light is best. However, in Spring, they can be set outside occasionally in reasonable sunlight to encourage more lush growth.

What type of soil does your Monstera need?

Indoors, a porous container with a well-drained peat-based acidic-neutral potting soil is best. Outdoors in a protected environment, they do best in a light sandy, medium, loamy, heavy clay soil. Aerial roots will probably grow out of the soil in both instances, being beneficial to the overall growth of the plant.

What temperature is best for your Monstera?

They grow best in warm, humid conditions anywhere between 15-30C. Monstera (such as our Monstera Swiss Cheese plant) like a humidity level of around 60% so the leaves can be misted regularly in the warmer months to keep moist.

How much water does your Monstera need?

Water every 1-2 weeks in the Spring and Summer months, watering freely until excess drains through the drainage holes.  The best rule of thumb is to let the top  soil dry out about 2.5cm between watering and water only occasionally in Winter.

What’s the best fertilizer for your Monstera?

Provide a balanced fertilizer about 4 times a year, but in Spring, your Monstera will relish half a teaspoon of fertilizer diluted in 2L of water in place of regular watering. This can be poured through until the excess runs out through the drainage holes.

General Care Tips for your Monstera:

Stems and leaves respond well to trimming. Aerial roots can be tucked back into the pot or trimmed if they get too unruly. Monstera prefer well-draining, porous pots (terra-cotta or ceramic) because they like airflow and good drainage.

To re-pot them, fill the new larger pot with about a third of a chunky potting mix, insert a stake for the stem to climb, set the roots carefully into the pot and fill around them with the soil.

Use plant ties to attach the stem to the stake and water with a diluted fertilizer. Leaves can be wiped gently with an insecticidal soap to deter the usual plant pests.

The Green Grower’s Rating of Monstera:

With their variety and big fenestrated leaves, they are stunning in any situation, but are toxic to pets. Check out our Deliciosa, it's beautiful and very resilient.

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