How To Take Care of Your Philodendron

How To Take Care of Your Philodendron

PHILODENDRON (from the Greek, meaning ‘lover of trees’)

This genus from Central and South American rainforests, contains hundreds of species of beautiful foliage-climbing and non-climbing plants. Leaves are typically large, green and glossy giving that really tropical look and since the plants have robust foliage and long roots, they are relatively easy to care for and ideal to start or add to your ‘tropical’ collection.

They can be easily moved around your house into different rooms, but always ensure the light is filtered, that they are not exposed to cold draughts and especially in summer, humidity remains at a satisfactory level.

How much light does your Philodendron need?

Warmth and moisture are key, so positioning them in partial, indirect sunlight by a sunny window with filtered light (net curtain) is ideal. As with most house plants, direct sun will burn their leaves and dry out their soil so much quicker. Be especially vigilant with this on warm summer days!

What type of soil does your Philodendron need?

Philodendrons are semi-epiphytes requiring light, airy, loamy soil mixes that are well-draining and rich in organic matter. The soil should never be allowed to dry out completely, so put your finger into the top inch or so and if it is dry, then your plants need watering, but not too much so that it becomes ‘boggy.’


What temperature is best for your Philodendron?

Warm, 12-28C, humid. If you are changing their placement into other rooms around the house, make sure the temperature extremes are not too much. Protect from cool draughts (eg air conditioning vents)

How much water does your Philodendron need?

They like a moderate amount of soil watering and keep a close eye that the soil doesn’t dry out over Spring and Summer. Be aware that over and under-watering can cause leaves to droop and even lose their rich glossy greenness, so striking that balance is important. Check for soil drainage regularly, water more in summer but avoid over-watering as the roots could rot sitting in soggy soil!

What's the best fertilizer for your Philodendron?

A balanced liquid fertiliser will be needed at least every 2-3 weeks in Spring and Summer, reduced to 6-8 weeks in Autumn and Winter. Adequate feeding will ensure your Philodendron grows evenly and the leaves will retain their lovely green lustre.

General Care Tips for your Philodendron

Like anything ‘living,’ your plants will reward you with adequate care. Clean the philodendron leaves by wiping gently with a damp cloth. Mist the plant every few days with a water bottle in summer to aid humidity. During warmer Spring and Summer days, pop them outside in a semi-shady spot to enjoy fresh air and more natural light.

They can be lightly trimmed to remove yellow leaves or spindly growth. When the roots start poking up from the soil and out of the drainage holes, it’s a sure sign the plant needs re-potting and this may be every two years or so. This is best done in Spring or early Summer and remember to give them a thorough watering after potting them in fresh soil.

Houseplant pests such as aphids, scale, mealy bugs etc can be dealt with by mixing water with dishwashing liquid soap and spraying the whole plant. There are of course commercial products available for this same purpose.

 The soft texture of their velvet leaves makes these a stunning plant for anyone’s home. Incredibly easy to grow and care for, the Philodendron gloriosum only gets more impressive as they mature, producing large heart shape leaves.

The Green Grower's Rating of Philodendron.

Ideal for the variety available, attractive appearance and minimal care.

This guide applies to all our Philodendron plants.

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