The Zingiber or ‘Ginger family’ is a family of flowering plants with about 1600 known species of aromatic, perennial herbs found throughout tropical Africa, Asia and the Americas. Renowned for their culinary use as a spice and for their medicinal purposes, they have creeping horizontal or tuberous rhizomes and this is the edible part of the plant.
They are ideal as ornamental plants, indoors or outside in protected areas. The Green Grower stocks Zinger Malayensis and Midnight Black Ginger; with its large dark maroon-black shiny leaves and on maturity, yellow flowers, adding a special tropical look to any environment.
How much light does your Zingiber need?
Inside, a well-lit position is best, but if it starts dropping its leaves, move it to a brighter spot. Outside, it will thrive in a shaded sunny spot, sheltered from the wind.
What type of soil does your Zingiber need?
A well-drained, moist, organic potting mix (coco coir or sphagnum moss) is ideal. Outdoors, mix in well composted organic matter for best results. Since they can grow to 60-100cm tall and can spread 40-75cm, bear this in mind when planting outside.
What temperature is best for your Zingaber?
A range of 12-25C indoors with good humidity. Misting the leaves will help. Outdoors, protect from cold weather extremes, by choosing a sheltered spot where any warmth from the sun can still reach.
How much water does your Zingiber need?
Choose a potting mix that retains moisture; perlite can be added. Your Zingiber will do best with good watering and the soil should be kept moist (but never soggy) and not allowed to dry out.
What is the best fertiliser for your Zingiber?
A general water-based, organic ,slow-release fertiliser is best. Particularly in an outside situation, a liquid fertiliser such as seaweed extract or fish fertiliser occasionally will reap rewards.
General Care Tips for your Zingiber.
Zingiber can grow relatively quickly, so re-potting may be more necessary at regular intervals than other houseplants. Dead flowers or old leaves can be pruned off. Any insect pests can be dealt with by using Neem oil and the leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth to help keep them dust-free and to retain that showy, glossy look.
The Green Grower’s Rating of Zingiber.
Ideal as an ornamental plant providing a dark but vibrant leaf colour, which will provide a real contrast to the green foliage of most houseplants. Relatively easily maintained, so we recommend.