GT Foliage Focus 1L
GT Foliage Focus 1L
This formula focuses your plant's energy on growing healthier, stronger, larger more lush foliage. A favourite for aroids in particular but formulated for all indoor plants where foliage is your focus. Popular for Monstera, Philodendron, Zanzibar, Syngonium... the list goes on! A favourite for variegated plants in particular, with their higher sensitivity to fertiliser salts, slower growth rate and increased risk of fertiliser burn. Gentle enough for salt-sensitive plants.
For hydro and semi-hydro: 5 to 7 mls per 1 litre water. For soil / potting mix: 3 to 5mls (1 teaspoon), per 1 litre water, every time you water (the weakly weekly method.
Adjust your dilution rate according to your plant's needs: For a mixed jungle use the general maintenance dose. Forlight feeders/slow growers: dilute 3 mls per 1 litre water. For heavy feeders/fast growers dilute up to 10mls (2 teaspoons) per 1 litre water.
To avoid irreversible deficiencies in immobile nutrients (such as calcium), it's recommended to fertilise with GT Focus every time you water.