How To Take Care Of Your Scindapsus

How To Take Care Of Your Scindapsus

A genus of around 35 plants, Scindapsus are very appealing as they are low maintenance, easy to grow, can be grown as a climber or in hanging baskets and with their varied silvery patterned leaves are visually quite striking.

Their name comes from the Greek meaning ‘upon tree trunks’ or ‘ivy-like’ and their versatility in different pot or growing situations, makes them a welcome addition to any collection.

The Green Grower’s variety for sale includes Scindapsus Exotica, very striking with its thick heart-shaped leaves overlaid in silver.

How much light does your Scindapsus need?

In their native S.E Asia environment, they are found in the lower canopies of the forest, so a location of low indirect light can be ideal, as long as they also have exposure to a brighter indirect light.

What type of soil does your Scindapsus need?

A loose, well-draining light medium, perhaps peat-based or coconut coir is ideal. They tend to do best in soil rich and fertile with organic materials, so a combination of equal parts of orchid bark, coco peat, potting soil and perlite will mean a nice airy, fertile and moist but free-draining situation.

What temperature is best for your Scindapsus?

15-25C is the ideal; like most houseplants, they don’t like extremes. Keep out of drafty cool spots.

How much water does your Scindapsus need?

Don’t over-water and as usual, the top 2 inches or so of the soil is a good indication as to whether your plant needs watering. Water more in Spring and Summer, less in the more dormant time of winter or if your plants are exposed to lower light levels.

What’s the best fertilizer for your Scindapsus?

Scindapsus are not particularly fast growers and consequently are not heavy feeders. They will appreciate a balanced liquid fertiliser once a month during watering.

General Care Tips for your Scindapsus:

Most Scindapsus have a vining growth habit, so you may prune occasionally to control its growth and appearance; again, Spring/early Summer is the best time for this. When the roots appear through the drainage holes, it’s time to re-pot.

They are relatively pest/disease free but if houseplant bugs appear, a wipe with a damp cloth or insecticidal soap will do the trick.

The Green Grower’s Rating of Scindapsus:

Ideal! They are easy-care, visually attractive with their silver foliage and will add variety to your collection with their climbing ability and tolerance towards lower light levels than most other types. Like many tropical plants, they contain toxins, so pet-lovers, beware.

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