Plant Care Guides

How To Take Care Of Your Pothos

How To Take Care Of Your Pothos

Daniel Adam

Also called Devil’s Ivy and one of the hardiest houseplants available, it is often seen trailing off desks or shelves, so is ideal for the ‘beginner’ whether in the home...

How To Take Care Of Your Pothos

Daniel Adam

Also called Devil’s Ivy and one of the hardiest houseplants available, it is often seen trailing off desks or shelves, so is ideal for the ‘beginner’ whether in the home...

How To Take Care Of Your Fittonia

How To Take Care Of Your Fittonia

Daniel Adam

From South America (mainly Peru) these compact, evergreen perennials make an eye-catching display with their deep, green, oval leaves delicately lined with beautiful veins in red, pink, white and green...

How To Take Care Of Your Fittonia

Daniel Adam

From South America (mainly Peru) these compact, evergreen perennials make an eye-catching display with their deep, green, oval leaves delicately lined with beautiful veins in red, pink, white and green...

How To Take Care Of Your Anthurium

How To Take Care Of Your Anthurium

Daniel Adam

Originating from the Caribbean and South America, there are over 1000 species of Anthurium. Often grown for their striking ‘flowers,’ they are also referred to as  ‘Flamingo Flower,’ but at...

How To Take Care Of Your Anthurium

Daniel Adam

Originating from the Caribbean and South America, there are over 1000 species of Anthurium. Often grown for their striking ‘flowers,’ they are also referred to as  ‘Flamingo Flower,’ but at...

How To Take Care of Your Philodendron

How To Take Care of Your Philodendron

David Nicolas

PHILODENDRON (from the Greek, meaning ‘lover of trees’) This genus from Central and South American rainforests, contains hundreds of species of beautiful foliage-climbing and non-climbing plants. Leaves are typically large,...

How To Take Care of Your Philodendron

David Nicolas

PHILODENDRON (from the Greek, meaning ‘lover of trees’) This genus from Central and South American rainforests, contains hundreds of species of beautiful foliage-climbing and non-climbing plants. Leaves are typically large,...